Historic Old Town NIA

Historic Old Town Neighborhood Improvement Association is a group of neighborhood volunteers in Topeka, Kansas. We meet monthly and work toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters. Our neighborhood is bounded by Topeka Blvd., Summit Ave., 6th Ave., and 10th Ave. Our official membership is anyone one who lives or owns property in this area, but we welcome any and all!

Location: Topeka, Kansas, United States

A neighborhood group that meets monthly and works toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Treasure in Algeria, rent large agricultural areas in the desert


Rental of 4,527 HA in Adrar, Algeria near the airport. 

Rental over 10 years, renewable.

Our services : 

·   We help you negotiate with the owner

·   We carry out for you a technical and economic study



32 boreholes 150 meters deep : average flow 50l / s 

3 water storage basins. First : 160,000 m2, Second : 210,000 m3 and third : 90,000 m3. The first two, operational and the last 90% completed 


4 fully automated ferti- irrigation stations of 600m2 each to irrigate 1200 ha in drip.

 Networks of 48 km of main road, double track and 96 km of secondary road (agricultural road).

MV / MV distribution substation of 30,000 KVA 

Construction and installation of 5 transformer substations of 630 KVA on the ground

42 km MV overhead electrical network across the perimeter as well as ramps equipped with 26 160 KVA overhead transformer stations, intended for drilling.

6 greenhouses of one ha each equipped with a misting, micro-sprinkling and drip irrigation system.

Small water storage basin : capacity 500 m3 

Station Ferti -Irrigation fully automated

800m2 seeding station including 2 peat mixers and 2 automatic seeding machines with a seeding capacity of one million plants per work station ;

Installation of 14 pivots of 50 ha each, 8 operational .

Trench and laying of 130 km of high pressure pvc pipe of different diameters (250 to 110 mm).

5 000 km dripper hoses door to irrigate 1 200 hectares  

Planting of 1.5 million trees of forest essence irrigated by drip.

Maintenance park : 3000 m2 with different equipment . 

Spare parts store.

Control Tower housing : 

·    Executive management

·    Technical office (production support)

·    Agrology and pedo- agronomy laboratory

·    Automatic control and programming system for drip irrigation.


To direct, manage and operate the entire complex, a base has been built which can house 100 managers, engineers, technicians and specialized workers ; 


This base of life includes : 

·    1 club lounge and management restaurant

·    1 restaurant for managers and technicians

·    1 self service for service staff

·    1 entertainment center

·    2 kitchens including 1 industrial.


Mr GHECHAM Abdelali

Aures 05 Consulting

Municipality of bouzina

Batna 05000

T +213 5 57 23 92 11 ( whatsapp / imo / viber )

Email : ghecham@codin-consulting.com 

Web site : www.codin-consulting.net 

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