Fw: Preservation Awards:
Could you please forward this information to the neighborhood list. There are three awardees in the neighborhood, Senate Suites, Gem Building and St. John's AME Church - plus the Friends of Bethany. The reception, from 3 to 5 this Sunday, to honor these awardees will include a discussion about the Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area.
News Release:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Michael Bradley, Shawnee County Historical Society
Preservation Committee Chairperson. 785-267-5900 ex 104 or 785-235-5237
The second annual joint awards for Historic Preservation in Shawnee County will be presented by the Shawnee County Historical Society and the Topeka Landmarks Commission at the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association's offices at 719 SW Van Buren from 3:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 4. In addition to 8 awards by the Shawnee County Historical Society, the seven most recent Landmark designations by the City of Topeka Landmarks Commission and four recent National and State Historic Register designations will be recognized. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend the reception where Sue Pridemore of the National Park Service and Deborah White who runs the Visitor Information Center for the Lawrence Convention and Visitors Bureau will discuss the planned Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area.
Christy Davis, Chair of the City of Topeka Landmarks Commission will present the most recent Landmark designations including: Senate Suites Luxury Hotel, the Commonwealth Building, St. John's A.M.E. Church, The Gem Building, the Veale-Freeburg Building, the Hale Ritchie House, and the J. Fred & Cora Gaylord House.
Julie Weisgerber, State Historic Preservation Office Federal Tax Credit Reviewer will
acknowledge the most recent National and State Historic Register additions including: The Bowker House, The College Avenue Historic District, the Hard Chief Village Archeological Site near Silver Lake and St. John's AME Church.
Carlton Scroggins, Shawnee County Historical Society President, will honor an individual, Warren Taylor, for contribution to the preservation of the history of the county and an organization, The Friends of Bethany Place, for advocacy. Additionally the society will honor the owners of five properties for their preservation efforts: Jill Wolters and Michael Turner for their home on Western, Greg Fox for the Row House Restaurant, the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association for Fire Station #2, Boyd England and Alice and Jeff Landers for the England Farmstead and Kanza Construction for The Palace. The Society's final award will be presented to the Shawnee County Commission—Parks and Recreation Department for their preservation of the WPA stone shelters at Lake Shawnee.
The keynote speaker for the event is Sue Pridemore who works out of Omaha, Nebraska for the National Park Service. She has brought her knowledge of the National Heritage Area concept to the group which has been working to develop 'Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area' in Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri. Freedom's Frontier planning has been encouraged from the conception by Lawrence CVB Director Judy Billings and Visitor Information Center director, Deborah White. Ms. White will also attend the ceremony.
The Shawnee County Historical Society is a local non-profit organization which is a combination of the previous history focused Shawnee County Historical Society and the preservation focused 'Historic Topeka' organizations which merged membership and missions. Historic Topeka previously awarded preservation efforts and the Shawnee County Historic Society has awarded historic preservation efforts since the organizations merged.
The City of Topeka Landmarks Commission is a volunteer citizen commission appointed by the City of Topeka to identify and acknowledge important historic landmarks in the City.