RE: Property at 615 Tyler
Research Assistant Professor
University of Kansas Medical Center
260J Landon Center on Aging
Mail Stop 1005
3599 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, Kansas 66160
Phone: 913-588-0634
Fax: 913-588-1201
>>> "Michael Bradley" <> 11/27/2007 9:34 AM >>>
Peter, SCLA and all;
I think I may have some culpability in this situation. First, I want to stress that I did not, nor was it ever my intent to, suggest that the owner/occupant at 615 should not be cited. I also have never spoken on this issue with anyone as a 'representative' of HOTNIA. I have, however, spoken at the meetings and in conversations with groups during the tour of code issues and at other times about the fact that 615 is owner occupied and that the owner is a good person. I have shared the fact that he has been a participant in the NIA over several years and that he has given thousands of hours of volunteer time making repairs in our neighborhood at Grace Cathedral. He most recently nearly rebuilt the stone steps out in front of the Cathedral between the sidewalk and the street. In spite of his commitment to Grace, he also spoke at the City Council on behalf of what also was the neighborhood's position regarding the removal of trees for a parking lot. I have mentioned that it seemed like the Shoemaker's children having no shoes – he helps others but neglects himself. I have expressed my wish that we could find a way to help without embarrassing him. That is still my hope – but it is not my intent to prevent him from being cited for any violation. My understanding is that he and staff at code have had numerous interactions and that they are aware he is trying but also is not in compliance. I know that some feel that people who cannot organize themselves to maintain their property should lose the right to stay in their home. Not my opinion. I wish there were a more generally organized way in our society to support older people as they become less able to achieve their goals. I personally know what that feels like more and more each day. I hope SCLA is successful in finding a way to help the 615 owner and I would be willing to help out if they do.
I am sorry if I have been a part of this problem. I believe in regards to code the same as with prostitution. It is absolutely necessary to provide disincentives to the problem behaviors while at the same time trying to give people a way out without denigrating them. Thank you to SCLA for your interest in being part of this equation throughout the City.
Michael Bradley
From: Peter Hancock []
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 8:08 PM
To: OldTownNIA Blogger; Wayne R Stander; Vanessa Lamoreaux; V Brenden; Ustaine Talley; Town Old; Tom Benaka; Terry Bertels; Tammy Fisher; Sylvia Ortiz; Suzanne Challacombe; Susan T; Susan Kerr; Susan Hosford; Steven Ebberts; Steve Hitchens;; Shawn Leisinger; Shawn Bruns; Sharon Warman;; Scott Crider; Sarah Weber; Sally Zellers; Ruth Maus; Roseanna Haugen; Ron Miller; Ron Cowan; Richard Harmon; Randy Speaker; Peter Hancock; Peter Hancock (work); Patrick Donnelly; Oscar Albrecht; Norton Bonaparte; Nazarene First;; Monique Johnson; Mike Teply; Mike McGee; Michael Bradley; Mary Hillin; Mary Handley; Marilyn McPherson; Margaret Carreno; Luanne Webb; Louella Bagby; Laura Kelly; Landlords Assoc Shawnee County; Lana Kennedy;; Kelly Childers; Kathryn Hosfelt; John Underwood; John Nave; John Moyer; John Alcala; Joe Knernschield; Joan Proctor; Jim Langford; Jim Bagby; Jeff Preisner; Jack Freeman; Iris Walker; Hugh Hannagan; Howard Giles;; Hannah Waldy; Ginny Burghart; Galen Murphy; Fred LeMaster; Ed Klumpp; Dyann Schroeder; Doug Jones;; David Thurbon; Dave Wooster; Dale Schafer; Clark Duffy; Carla Stone; Cale Herreman; Brooks Rice; Brett Blackburn; Brendan Long; Bill Riphahn; Bill Haynes; Bill Bunten; Barb Quaney; Annie Tietze; Annie Kuether; Allen Martin; Adam Moser
Cc: Randy Speaker;; Sandra Cline
Subject: Fw: Property at 615 Tyler
Everyone - An issue came to my attention this afternoon while I was at work. I sent out the message below to some people, but didn't have access to the full HOTNIA email list and so some people were unavoidably left off.I'm sending it again so everyone will be apprised.
In short, Liz Zamora from KTKA-TV, Ch. 49, has been following up on some code compliance issues around the city, including the house at 615 Tyler. She has been in contact with Darrell Ecklund of the Shawnee County Landlords Association - the group that has been fighting tooth-and-nail against any attempt to license landlords or requireregistration of out-of-town property owners. To their credit, SCLA apparently is offering to help fix up the 615 Tyler house, which is owner-occupied. But along the way, some comments were made alleging that HOTNIA itself has some culpability in the fact that the city hasn't ever done anything about this house.
Readon ...
- peter
From: Peter Hancock []
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 4:17 PM
Cc: Cale Herreman; Scarlett Herreman;; Bradley Michael; Melissa Powers;;; Roseanna Haugen;
Subject: Property at 615 Tyler
Dear Mr. Ecklund:
Someone today forwarded to me an email originally written by you concerning the condition of property at 615 Tyler. In that message you state that "We were told (by somebody?) that the homeowner had not been cited for the various code violations because the local NIA did not want the property owner cited."
I can say with authority, and without reservation, that Historic Old Town NIA has never, ever discouraged anyone from filing complaints about code violations at this or any other property, nor have we discouraged the city's code compliance division from issuing citations for these or any other violations.
Please rest assured that we have no desire whatsoever to stymie the efforts of the city to enforce codes. Quite the contrary. And even if we did, I can assure you that our NIA has no authority whatsoever to prevent city officials from doing their jobs. In fact, during a recent code compliance tour with the same city officials that you met with, we specifically pointed out this property - and the entire surrounding area - as a serious problem in our neighborhood that urgently needs the city's attention. This was even documented in a news story by Liz Zamora that aired on KTKA-TV, Ch. 49 immediately after that tour.
I hope that sets the record straight.
Peter Hancock, president
Historic Old Town NIA
From: Darrel Eklund []
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 2:35 PM
To: KEM SLOOP; Walt and Joyce Hillmer; Vicki Fulmer; Valerie Thompson; TROY REPP; Troy Leach; Tricia Irey; Travis Maurath; Travis Maurath; Tracy Helphingstine; Tom Benaka; Terry Simnitt; Terry Hobbs; Terry Breese; Teresa Baker; Tate Flott; Tate & Katie Flott; Stephen & Glenna Lowry; Scott Schultz; Ruth Simnitt; Ron Brandt; Roger and Trenda Young; Roger & Julie Peralta; Robert Wayman; Rob Knoettgen; Rick Hill; Richard and Marliece Ribelin; Richard and Carolyn Roller; Renee and Arthur Varella; Ray Coffman; Paul Rasmussen; Paul and Rebecca Barkley; Patrick Donnelly; Pat Smith; Pat DeLapp; Nick Aschenbrenner; Nathan Boe; Michael Mitchiner; Melissa Coleman; Mary Gabel; Maria Iloreta; Margie Eklund; Marcia Lessenden; Louise Kirkpatrick; Linda Jones; Leon Parker; Lawrence Tibbetts; Larry Warner; Larry Tenopir; Larry Durst; Kristy Rizek; Kevin Cox; Kellie Kemper; Katie Flott; Karl & Brenda McNorton; Karen Hiller; K.P. and Angela Bluthardt; John Schell; John Johnston; John and Harriet Fontana; Jim Sanders; Jim Parrish; Jim Hermesch; Jeremy Snowden; Jean Barton; Jason Holthaus; Jason Adair; Ian Robbins; Howard and Karen Marlow; Greg DeBacker; Gene Meyer; Gary Henson; Fran Lusk; Ford Sanders, Jr.; Earnest and Wilma Kratina; Doug and Barb Norman; Don & Linda Lemon; Deryl Wilson; Debra Gardner; Darren and Cheryl Reed; Darrell Six; CONNIE RASMUSSEN; Clifford R. Wright; Charles Lopez; Charlene Robuck; Carol Holthaus; Bob Walshire; Bill Welch; Bill Michaud; Barry McMurphey; Barbara Ward; Art and Jennifer Stone; Anthony Jaramillo; dan kingman; Joe Donald
Cc: Randy Speaker; Norton Bonaparte, Jr.; Lana Kennedy; Richard Harmon; Jack Woelfel; John Alcala; Bill Bunten; Darrel and Margie Eklund
My wife, I and SCLA members (Jim and Charlene Robuck, Deryl Wilson, Jim Sanders, Don Lemon and Paul Barkley) met with Randy Speaker, Miriam Berke and Sandra Cline this morning at 615 SW Tyler. If you drive by and observe this property, you would likely assume that it is an abandoned house/apartment building because of the way the structure and the premises look. However, it is indeed a homeowner who lives at the property. We were told that the homeowner had not been cited for the various code violations because the local NIA did not want the property owner cited. Apparently many of these violations have existed since 1997.
Miriam and Sandra believed that Mr. Greeson, the homeowner living at 615 SW Tyler, would refuse to accept free assistance from the SCLA for addressing the nuisance code violations because he doesn't want junk, etc. removed. They said that no one had ever requested that the property be cited before. Miriam and Sandra said they would proceed to cite him for: a) emergency violation with refrigerator in the yard, b) nuisance code violations, c) inoperative vehicle(s) violations, and d) housing code violations.
It's very important to the SCLA that all major code violations be fairly, comprehensively and uniformly cited by Code Compliance staff and that enforcement be done in a timely manner for all violators. We can not adequately clean up our City and keep houses in good repair, if we rely primarily on a complaint driven system. Under such a system, code violations tend to get cited in the immediate vicinity of the various complaintants in the City and overlooked in other areas of the City.
I did recommend to Randy Speaker that the Property Maintence Standards Ordinance should be modified to allow low income elderly homeowners to have more than 60 days to fix housing code violations, if they make an application for rehabilitation assistance and are accepted by Housing and Neighborhood Development, Christmas in April or some other entity that will fix the housing code problems. In fact, the costs for addressing major housing code violations are often far too large to allow any typical property owner the time needed to arrange financing or secure free assistance within a 60 day time frame. 60 days is not realistic and we will continue to see a huge backlog of housing code cases in administrative court, as long as the ordinance requires such a short itme frame.
It would also be a good idea to go back to the previous standards on painting notification and not cite property owners for painting violations during the winter months.