Historic Old Town NIA

Historic Old Town Neighborhood Improvement Association is a group of neighborhood volunteers in Topeka, Kansas. We meet monthly and work toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters. Our neighborhood is bounded by Topeka Blvd., Summit Ave., 6th Ave., and 10th Ave. Our official membership is anyone one who lives or owns property in this area, but we welcome any and all!

Location: Topeka, Kansas, United States

A neighborhood group that meets monthly and works toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Offer from St. Francis

Everyone - As mentioned earlier, when I met with St. Francis CEO Mike Schraeder the other day. (Some of you have seen those emails; others haven't. I'm trying to expand the list on this one.) During that brief "get-to-know-you" meeting, I mentioned our neighborhood's priorities of maintaining existing housing and, eventually, developing more (which is to say "any") public park space and greenspace. Along those lines, I noted there has been some interest (expressed in private conversations) about maybe establishing a "community garden" area that could be shared and used by neighborhood residents.
In response to that, Kim Gronniger (the hospital's community relations chief) called back later and mentioned something of possible interest. It's a good news/bad news type of thing.
The bad news is that St. Francis owns a house at 611 Jewell Ave., just across from the clinic at 6th & Jewell, and they plan to tear it down soon. She says the house has "some issues," but didn't elaborate. She then asked if we might be interested in that property for use as a community garden.
At this point, I don't know what they are "offering," per se. Would they donate it to the neighborhood? Sell it to us? Retain ownership and let us use it? I have no idea.
Obviously this raises a number of concerns, but also a potential opportunity:
1. The house is clearly outside the "growth zone" - by more than a block! Furthermore, given the hospital's previously-announced plans to vacate the area anyway, it's doubtful that this has anything to do with "growth" anyway. And given their willingness to let us have use of the land, I suspect they're just razing the structure to rid themselves of a liability and prepare it for sale/disposal.
2. I walked around the house just to see what we were looking at. Yes indeed, the house does have "issues," but I can't tell from a cursory outside view whether those issues are truly fatal flaws, or merely "inconveniences." Maybe it could be rehabbed and returned to use as a single-family dwelling. Maybe not. I don't even know if they've even considered that possibility.
I told Kim I would have to consult with the others and get back with her. But I got the impression that they want to decide something soon.
The issue of demolition does not seem to even be a question with them. It was pretty clear they intend to demolish it, and fairly soon. The only question in their mind (at this point anyway) is whether we have any interest in using the lot that it sits on for some other purpose.
What are your thoughts?
- peter
Peter Hancock


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