Project Takeover-Makeover, March 30
Hi Folks - Just a reminder that this coming Saturday, March 30, is the date for the next neighborhood cleanup. Here are some things we can all do between now and then:
1. Contact any elderly or disabled people you may know to see if they need any help getting stuff out to the curb. Send their names to HND so a work order can be filled out.
2. Identify any public areas where trash needs to be picked up: parking lots, parks, etc. Let HND know about them as well.
3. Don't forget to put your own trash out for cleanup. They will pick up just about anything, but it all needs gto be separated. Keep tree limbs and brush separate from scrap lumber. All the limbs, etc., will be picked up for mulching. Other stuff goes to the landfill.
On Saturday, anyone wishing to volunteer should go to the Expocentre and sign in. They will give you work orders that tell you where to go and what needs to be done.
Trinity Lutheran may have its hall open beforehand and after the event. That might be a good place to meet up early and to gather afterwards for some refreshments. I'll pass along more information about that as it becomes available.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to write or call.