Historic Old Town NIA

Historic Old Town Neighborhood Improvement Association is a group of neighborhood volunteers in Topeka, Kansas. We meet monthly and work toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters. Our neighborhood is bounded by Topeka Blvd., Summit Ave., 6th Ave., and 10th Ave. Our official membership is anyone one who lives or owns property in this area, but we welcome any and all!

Location: Topeka, Kansas, United States

A neighborhood group that meets monthly and works toward a better place to live, from arguing our case at city hall to cleaning out choked-up gutters.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Night Out Against Crime, August 5th

Much as we wish it weren’t so, crime is a reality in our neighborhood. If you have been a victim, it is no comfort to remember that our neighborhood is certainly not alone in this.

We cannot predict when or where crime will strike. Many times, we can’t even say why it did.

But even in the face of this, one thing we should never do is surrender to fear. We can make reasonable precautions to reduce our chances of becoming victims.

One of the simplest steps you can take is to get to know your neighbors. If people living near you are watching out for you, and you for them, you make the neighborhood more secure, just by being aware.

Another important aspect of this security is to call the police if you see something suspicious. We have a trained, professional police force of men and women who are working to keep us safe. They can’t always come as quickly as we wish they would, but they will be there!

To promote awareness of what can be done against crime, there is an annual National Night Out Against Crime. Topeka will observe it on Saturday, August 5th. Neighborhoods all over the city will be having events to get neighbors together, and meet the officers who are on the front lines against crime.

Old Town’s event will be on August 5th from 5 PM to 9 PM on the grounds of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 901 SW Fillmore. Your neighbors will be there, as will representatives of the Topeka Police, Shawnee County Sheriff, and Topeka Fire departments, and a whole lot of fun! See you there! (See the enclosed flyer)

On a related note: The Chesney Park neighborhood’s observance of the Night Out Against Crime includes a flea market in Chesney Park, 18th and Clay, between 8 AM and 2 PM.

Next meeting, August 3rd

Next Meeting
August 3rd, 6:30 P.M.
Trinity Hall, 725 SW Buchanan St.

Police Report: The community police officers for this area will talk about the Police Department’s activities here in the last month, and field questions about our concerns.

Night Out Against Crime: We will discuss the preparations for this fun event Saturday August 5th from 5 PM to 9 PM at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 901 SW Fillmore.

Houses to Homes Program: This program by the city’s Housing and Neighborhood Department aims to turn vacant rental houses into owner-occupied homes.

Bus Shelters for 8th Avenue: Committee members will update us on the status of this long-standing project to build two attractive bus shelters in the 8th and Western area.

Hospital Committee: Representatives from our neighborhood are in the process meeting with executives of the hospitals.

Smoke detectors save lives!

Few people realize how quickly a fire could destroy our home and take our loved ones. Smoke detectors have saved the lives of many, by giving them enough time to react and escape. The United Way is giving away smoke detectors to homeowners who live in ZIP codes 66606, 66605, and 66608. There are 600 detectors, so they are being given away on a first-come, first-served basis. This is not an income level program— just a need. The smoke detectors are battery operated and have to be installed by trained volunteers. There is no limit or deadline, as long as the detectors are still available. Call Cale Herreman (383-7970 or oldtownnia@yahoo.com) for an application.

Name change

The neighborhood has decided to change its name from ‘Old Town Neighborhood Improvement Association’ to ‘Historic Old Town Neighborhood Improvement Association.’ The group made this choice to better reflect the character of the area, and our hopes for it. This change still has to be ratified by the director of the Housing and Neighborhood Development department and the City Manager. If anyone has comments or concerns about this matter, please send them to oldtownnia@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 794, Topeka KS 66601-0794.

At the last meeting, July 6th

At the Last Old Town NIA Meeting

At the last meeting, a community police officer updated us on happenings in the area.

Mayor Bunten and City Manager Bonaparte each briefly stopped by. It’s good to have their attention! The mayor briefly discusses next year’s budget and his ideas for strengthening the Code Compliance department, and the Narcotics unit of the police force. He also informed us that the Neighborhood Clean Up went so well, his office is helping plan a church-based Clean Up event. Watch for more details.

The Forestry Department is planting trees in our Target Area, to help improve its appearance.

The property at 1222 SW 10th had a proposed rezoning from O&I-1 back to M-3. We decided to oppose this, and to make out feelings known at the Planning Commission meeting. (We did so, and brokered a compromise with the current owner.)

The Planning Department is seeking input for the region’s long-range transportation plan. After some discussion, the neighborhood decided to support making Topeka more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, improving sidewalks, particularly to make them ADA compliant, and better service and outreach by Topeka Transit.

A step forward?

Greetings all. You're looking at Historic Old Town NIA's home on the web. I was hurriedly creating a free website, but it looked stupid, and my wife derided it as "so Twentieth Century." So here we are on Blogger. It's free, and has potential for improving our communications about neighborhood business and situations. So stay tuned (to use a Twentieth Century term) and let's give this a shot!